Strawberry Island Boat Club was the venue for this years Junior Presentation Evening. This was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate our Junior member efforts and successes over the past 12 months. Congratulations to all of our juniors on all of their achievements this year.

Best Cox
This person worked hard this year to improve their coxing skills, we have watched them show no fear when coxing senior crews and control and consideration when coxing juniors. They have been quick to understand what is required of a cox , and not afraid to let the crew know who is in charge of the boat .
This years Best Cox is: Erin Shillito
Best Junior Crew
This years Best Crew have impressed throughout the year, they have shown that being the best crew is not all about winning, although they have won throughout the year. They are supportive of each other on the water in 1x, 2x and 4x+ boats as well as off the water in training. They have visibly improved throughout the year through listening to advice from their coaches and putting the advice into practice.
This years Best Crew will be coming to a TV screen near you soon it is the J13 4x+ of Ben Barnes, Erin Shillito, Zach Hague, Nicholas Batchelor and Tyler Green

Most Improved Junior.
I think it is fair to say that the winner of the Most Improved Junior was not quite ready for what was about to happen when they joined my group last year. The amount of training in my group came as a bit of a shock not only to them but also to their parents with 7am starts on the weekend and 8pm finishes during the week. They have also had their own trials this year, starting 30s behind their nearest rivals but with hard work they have not only closed the gap on them but have passed them. This years Most Improved Junior does not go to an individual but to a crew.
This years Most Improved Junior goes to WJ15 4x of Gracie Bagilhole, Casey Green, Alice Bradley and Milly Barnes
Most Dedicated Junior
This Junior is always down training, they always help with trailer loading and unloading and have probably taught most of the juniors how to tie a boat onto the trailer. They never miss events and is always willing to help any individual or crew. They are always willing to impart their knowledge to other (especially if its about jumping). They are an excellent role model to all juniors and a great ambassador for the club, they will be sorely missed in the boathouse and on the riverbanks (where you have heard his dulcet tones shouting Doncaster boats on for the last 8 years), when they leave to go to Shiplake College this September. They are currently our longest serving junior.
This years Most Dedicated Junior is Sam Pogmore

Best Junior
This person started rowing when they were 13 and joined the Junior Performance group 3 years ago. They have proved themselves as a leader on the water and always encourage their crew mates in training. They represent the juniors on the clubs management committee, speaking freely and passionately about the juniors. He always gives 100% in training and in competition and will be missed when they leave to go to university this September. They represent the club positively at all events, and always support all the other sections. They have been and will no doubt continue to be and excellent ambassador for the club and role model for all the juniors.
This years Best Junior is Joey Acris

Special thanks to all of those who have contributed to putting on the event particularly, Cate Bradley, Zoe Whitaker (and the band Indecisive), Carol McGlone, Helen Pogmore, Sue Fisher and Heather Whitnall, without you this event would not have happened.