Adult Learn to Row
Adult Learn-To-Row 6 Week Course
During 2025 why not join one of our three Learn to Row Courses that we have lined up for
this year.
Absolutely no experience necessary - over the years, we’ve welcomed everyone, from the
nervous and the unfit to those ticking off a bucket list. The course is also perfect for
anyone who used to row and would like to get back into the sport. Our friendly and fully
equipped rowing club is ready for all levels and offers a safe and supportive environment
to get you started.
Providing you are over the aged of 18, whether you're a young adult or young at heart,
you're welcome to join us. As this is a water-based course there is also a requirement
that you are at able to swim.
Over the 6 week course, you will learn the fundamentals of rowing, gain confidence in
your rowing skills, become fitter, and enjoy the incredible experience of being on the
water. Additionally, you'll learn about boats and oars, practise proper posture and boat
handling, and understand health and safety protocols. Training takes place both on our
rowing machines and on the surprisingly scenic River Don.
On completion of the Learn to Row Course you can become full members of our friendly
club and you will be invited to join our novice squad. You will continue to be coached,
and eventually, you will move up into the general men and women's squads. The club
offers evening weekday and morning weekend sessions in the summer and weekend
sessions in the winter, along with indoors training all year round.
The Learn to Row Course costs £99 and our 2025 dates are as follows:
Course 1: Saturday 26th April to Saturday 31st May 2025​
Course 2: Saturday 21st June to Saturday 26thJuly 2025​
Course 3: Saturday 16th August to Saturday 20thSeptember 2025
Each course runs for 6 weeks from 10:30 - 12:30 and will have a maximum of 12 places, so to book your
place now, please email stating your preferred Course 1, 2 or 3.